Holy Sacrifice

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Holy Sacrifice
GP Cost 50
Learnt At 75/90 in faith.rituals.special
Skills Used faith.rituals.misc.self, faith.rituals.curing.self, faith.rituals.offensive.target(?) and faith.rituals.special(?)
Requirements Symbol and dagger
Granted By Hat and Sek
Best Baton(s)


Best Cane


Lends mental power through physical sacrifice.


Performing this ritual allows the priest to convert their physical endurance to mental strength. Opening your wrists with the dagger, you offer your hit points to your god in exchange for guild points. The effectiveness of this conversion is based on the miscellaneous faith skills of the caster, this ritual is one of the best rituals currently in game. But beware! It's also one of the most dangerous rits in game. You wouldn't be the first one to bleed to death due to a lack of cu.se bonus, or even a serious lagburst.

Help File

Holy Sacrifice allows the priest to convert their physical endurance to mental strength, by offering their blood and hit points to their god in exchange for guild points. You will require a blade and a holy symbol to perform this ritual.


> score brief
Hp: 3690(3690)  Gp: 583(763)  Xp: 1087392

> perform holy sacrifice
You raise your arms towards the heavens, the stiletto in your hand.
Shaking slightly, you tense and then slash the stiletto across your wrist.
You grasp your holy symbol and pray for Sek to accept your blood offering.
The blood flowing from your arm is accepted as an offering and you feel more alert.  You should probably "staunch" the
bleeding when you are ready.

Some more of your life force slips between your fingers.
Hp: 3379(3690)  Gp: 763(763)  Xp: 1087711

> staunch bleeding
You manage to stop the surge of blood flowing from your body.
The flow of blood ceases.

Granted By

Hat and Sek

Learnt At

Skills Used

faith.rituals.misc.self, faith.rituals.curing.self (to staunch), faith.rituals.offensive.target(?) and faith.rituals.special(?)

Base GP Cost

50 GP


A dagger and a holy symbol

