List of Rods

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Single slot rods

Dull grey baton (1 slot, misc affinity)

This is a short wooden baton, the length of which is covered with ordered and angular religious etchings. While the baton itself has been painted a dull grey colour, the etchings make a half-hearted attempt to add a little colour with a pale grey hue. It looks like it could hold one ritual in its etchings. The etchings are empty and are not dependent on any other part of the dull grey baton. It is in excellent condition.

Wooden baton (1 slot)

This is a short wooden baton, the length of which is covered with abstract and varied religious etchings. While the baton itself has been left uncoloured, settling instead for a smooth glossy varnish, the etchings have been made to stand out with a plain red hue. It looks like it could hold one ritual in its etchings. The etchings are empty and are not dependent on any other part of the wooden baton. It is in excellent condition.

Serrated baton (1 slot, offensive affinity)

This is a short wooden baton, the length of which is covered with spikey, angry-looking religious etchings. The baton has been dyed black, and has small notches carved along its length to give it the look and feel of a crude hand saw. It looks like it could hold one ritual in its etchings. The etchings are empty and are not dependent on any other part of the serrated baton. It is in excellent condition.

Ribboned baton (1 slot, misc affinity)

This is a short wooden baton, the length of which is covered with simple religious etchings and colourful ribbons. Where the etchings can be seen through the ribbons, they are simple, yet engraved with flair. It looks like it could hold one ritual in its etchings. The etchings are empty and are not dependent on any other part of the ribboned baton. It is in excellent condition.

Pure white baton (1 slot, curing affinity)

This is a short wooden baton, the length of which is covered with gentle, swirling religious etchings. While the baton itself has been painted a purest white, the etchings have been made to stand out with a subtle silver hue. It looks like it could hold one ritual in its etchings. The etchings are empty and are not dependent on any other part of the pure white baton. It is in excellent condition.

Purple baton (1 slot, misc affinity)

This is a short wooden baton, the length of which is covered with harsh, scrawled religious etchings. While the baton itself has been painted a purple colour, the etchings have been made to stand out with a rich golden hue. It looks like it could hold one ritual in its etchings. The etchings are empty and are not dependent on any other part of the purple baton. It is in excellent condition.

Pale yellow baton (1 slot, defensive affinity)

This is a short wooden baton, the length of which is covered with wispy and disconnected religious etchings. While the baton itself has been painted a pale yellow colour, the etchings have been made to stand out with a richer yellow hue. It looks like it could hold one ritual in its etchings. The etchings are empty and are not dependent on any other part of the pale yellow baton. It is in excellent condition.

Coral baton (1 slot, offensive affinity)

This is a short baton, the length of which is covered with roughly-carved religious etchings. It has been carved from a single piece of coral, presumably dredged from the clutches of some unsuspecting reef. It looks like it could hold one ritual in its etchings. The etchings are empty and are not dependent on any other part of the coral baton. It is in excellent condition.

Double slot rods

Wooden cane (2 slots, affinity for all rituals, 44% extra GP needed to charge)

This is a priest's cane. It is a short length of wood, which curls at one end into a gentle circular hook. It is unpainted and left totally bare of any decoration, but has been given a smooth finish. It looks like it could hold two rituals in its hook and handle. The hook is empty and is linked to the handle. The handle is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the wooden cane. It is in excellent condition.

Forest green cane (2 slots, defensive affinity)

This is a short priest's cane, painted in a forest green colour. It is surprisingly a lot heavier than it appears. It looks like it could hold two rituals in its handle and hook. The handle is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the forest green cane. The hook is empty and is linked to the handle. It is in excellent condition.

Orange cane (2 slots, offensive affinity)

This is a priest's cane. It is a short length of wood, which curls at one end into a gentle circular hook. It has been painted in fiery orange tones, and decorated with angular geometric designs. It looks like it could hold two rituals in its hook and handle. The hook is empty and is linked to the handle. The handle is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the orange cane. It is in excellent condition.

Pale grey cane (2 slots, misc affinity)

This is a priest's cane. It is a short length of wood, which curls at one end into a gentle circular hook. It has been painted a pale grey colour, and decorated with abstract geometric designs. It looks like it could hold two rituals in its handle and hook. The handle is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the pale grey cane. The hook is empty and is linked to the handle. It is in excellent condition.

White cane (2 slots, curing affinity)

This is a priest's cane. It is a short length of wood, which curls at one end into a gentle circular hook. It has been painted a plain white, and decorated with swirling geometric designs. It looks like it could hold two rituals in its handle and hook. The handle is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the white cane. The hook is empty and is linked to the handle. It is in excellent condition.

Triple slot rods

Aquamarine rod (3 slots, Off=Good Def=Neut Cure=Poor Misc=Poor)

This rod has been made of sturdy wood and painted aquamarine. It has an strange air of nautical piety about it, but is otherwise unremarkable. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its tip, base and shaft. The tip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the aquamarine rod. It is in excellent condition.

Dark blue mace (3 slots, Off=Neut Def=Neut Cure=Neut Misc=Neut)

This is a hefty mace. The shaft has been stained with a dark blue ink and wrapped in similarly-covered leathers, and the business end of the mace is a lump of dull iron. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its grip, head and shaft. The grip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The head is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the dark blue mace. It is in excellent condition.

Pale green mace (3 slots, Off=Good Def=Poor Cure=Poor Misc=Good)

This is a hefty mace. Its wooden shaft has been bleached with a pale green dye and wrapped in similarly-coloured leathers, and at the business end is a sizeable lump of dull iron. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its grip, shaft and head. The grip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the pale green mace. The head is empty and is linked to the shaft. It is in excellent condition.

Red mace (3 slots, Off=Neut Def=Neut Cure=Neut Misc=Neut)

This is a hefty mace. Its wooden shaft has been stained with a red ink and wrapped in similarly-coloured leathers, and at the business end is a sizeable lump of dull iron. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its grip, shaft and head. The grip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the red mace. The head is empty and is linked to the shaft. It is in excellent condition.

Light blue mace (3 slots, Off=Poor Def=Good Cure=Neut Misc=Poor)

This is a hefty mace. Its wooden shaft has been bleached with a light blue dye and wrapped in similarly-coloured leathers, and at the business end is a sizeable lump of dull iron. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its grip, shaft and head. The grip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the light blue mace. The head is empty and is linked to the shaft. It is in excellent condition.

Yellow rod (3 slots, Off=Poor Def=Neut Cure=Poor Misc=Good)

This rod has been made of sturdy wood and painted yellow. It has a peculiar air of pious stylishness about it, but is otherwise unremarkable. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its base, tip and shaft. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The tip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the yellow rod. It is in excellent condition.

Violet mace (3 slots, Off=Neut Def=Poor Cure=Poor Misc=Good)

This is a hefty mace. Its wooden shaft has been stained with a violet ink and wrapped in similarly-coloured leathers, and at the business end is a sizeable lump of dull iron. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its grip, shaft and head. The grip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the violet mace. The head is empty and is linked to the shaft. It is in excellent condition.

Pure white rod (3 slots, Off=Poor Def=Neut Cure=Good Misc=Poor)

This rod has been made of sturdy wood and painted pure white. It has a vague air of pious benevolence about it, but is otherwise unremarkable. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its base, tip and shaft. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The tip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the pure white rod. It is in excellent condition.

Wooden rod (3 slots, Off=Neut Def=Neut Cure=Neut Misc=Neut)

This rod has been made of sturdy wood and given a smooth, shiny finish. It has an odd air of generic piety about it, but is otherwise unremarkable. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its tip, base and shaft. The tip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the wooden rod. It is in excellent condition.

Jet Black Rod (3 slots, Off=Good Def=Poor Cure=Poor Misc=Neut)

This rod has been made of sturdy wood and painted jet black. It has an indescribable air of pious malice about it, but is otherwise unremarkable. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its tip, base and shaft. The tip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the jet black rod. It is in excellent condition.

Webbed Baton (3 Slots, Off=Good, others unknown, Shelox drop, 2 lbs weight)

This is a small, solid black baton that is wrapped tightly with an iron-like spiderweb. Spidery etchings are just visible beneath the web. The batons seems to radiate an aura of hostility and aggression. It looks like it could hold three rituals in its shaft, etchings and webbing. The shaft is imbued with the ritual soothing rain and is not dependent on any other part of the webbed baton. It glows with a dim light. The etchings are imbued with the ritual chant and are linked to the shaft. They glow with a dull light. The webbing is imbued with the ritual relief and is linked to the shaft. It glows with a softly pulsing light. It is in excellent condition.

Four slot rods

Bronzed crook (4 slots, Off=Neut Def=Poor Cure=Poor Misc=Good)

This slightly-gnarled crook has an unpleasant sense of malign disapproval about it. While its shaft is a rather unremarkable length of wood, its head is an unusually abrupt and flat hook which looks, from some angles, rather like a beak. It has been coated in gleaming bronze, and an impressive collection of huge, grey and white feathers splay out and dangle from where it connects to the rest of the crook. It looks like it could hold four rituals in its base, shaft, feathers and hook. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the bronzed crook. The feathers is empty and is linked to the shaft. The hook is empty and is linked to the feathers. It is in excellent condition.

Tasseled staff (4 slots, Off=Poor Def=Neut Cure=Poor Misc=Good)

This rather cheery priest's staff is something of a colourful affair. Although the plain wooden shaft is not particularly noteworthy, a majestic bronze emblem gleams from atop of it, with several silk tassels, each dyed a different vibrant colour, dangling from its extremities. It looks like it could hold four rituals in its base, emblem, shaft and tassels. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The emblem is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the tasseled staff. The tassels are empty and are linked to the emblem. It is in excellent condition.

Blue lacquered staff (4 slots, Off=Good Def=Neut Cure=Poor Misc=Poor)

The length of this staff has been finished with a rich blue lacquer, whose tones vary from a glimmering turquoise down to a rich, deep azure. At the top of the staff, an oversized copper fishing hook has been fixed. While the staff is obviously impractical for actually catching any fish with, the hook nevertheless has a viciously sharp point. It looks like it could hold four rituals in its base, shaft, point and hook. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the blue lacquered staff. The point is empty and is linked to the hook. The hook is empty and is linked to the shaft. It is in excellent condition.

Marble sceptre (4 slots, Off=Neut Def=Poor Cure=Poor Misc=Neut)

This remarkably weighty sceptre is not your usual gaudy jewel-encrusted monstrosity. Its shaft is simply a staff of solid oak, and its orb is a skull-crushingly heavy sphere of marble, all swirling greys and smoothed to perfection. About a foot's length of shaft beneath the orb has been meticulously wrapped with red tape, adding a splash of colour to an otherwise sombre affair. It looks like it could hold four rituals in its base, tape, orb and shaft. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The tape is empty and is linked to the shaft. The orb is empty and is linked to the tape. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the marble sceptre. It is in excellent condition.

Spiked black pole (4 slots, Off=Good Def=Poor Cure=Poor Misc=Neut)

As poles go, this one is pretty threatening. Its blackened metal length is adorned with painful-looking ridges, making it difficult to hold comfortably. Above a modest circlet of iron spikes, the pole is topped by a seven-sided emblem, each point of which is decorated with a finely-metalworked hand and a far cruder metal point, jutting away from the centre of the sigil. It looks like it could hold four rituals in its base, spikes, emblem and shaft. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The spikes are empty and are linked to the shaft. The emblem is empty and is linked to the spikes. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the spiked black pole. It is in excellent condition.

Speckled grey staff (4 slots, Off=Poor Def=Good Cure=Neut Misc=Poor)

This rather unusual staff has been painted a very pale grey, with flecks of slightly darker grey paint speckled along its length. At its top, three heavy brass rings have been set through the centre of the shaft, so that they clank against it and each other as the staff moves. A strange emblem, with metalwork vaguely resembling cloud formations, crowns the deal, giving it a suitably mystical air. It looks like it could hold four rituals in its base, emblem, shaft and rings. The base is empty and is linked to the shaft. The emblem is empty and is linked to the rings. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the speckled grey staff. The rings are empty and are linked to the shaft. It is in excellent condition.

Silver Flail (4 slots, Off=Poor Def=Neut Cure=Good Misc=Poor)

This weapon is comprised of a hefty shaft of wood, one end of which is connected via chains to three large and polished silver balls. The other end of the shaft is wrapped in strips of leather to allow its wielder to better grip onto it. It looks like it could hold four rituals in its balls, grip, chains and shaft. The balls are empty and are linked to the chains. The grip is empty and is linked to the shaft. The chains are empty and are linked to the shaft. The shaft is empty and is not dependent on any other part of the silver flail.